There is not enough involvement and effort in supporting children in state care, on Wednesday wrote on Facebook the minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, after visiting the Emergency Clinical Hospital in northeastern Iasi and several institutions subordinated to General Directorate for the Child Assistance and Protection (DGASPC).
Natalia Intotero added that she also made a blitz visit to several institutions subordinated to DGASPC Iasi where „Again we found that there is not enough involvement and effort in supporting children in state care.”, agerpres reports.
The minister visited the Ion Holban Day Center in Iasi, which had its operating license revoked at the end of June due to infrastructure problems. According to her, „children experience conditions difficult to describe in some areas of the center, especially common ones, such as the dining room: shrivelled walls, curtains that can fall on the heads of the little ones at any moment, large infiltrations of water.”
Intotero also visited the Materna Center for Social Services, where out of 14 beneficiaries 12 are minors. Although everyone has their own room and benefits from medical and psychological assistance, meals, support in childcare and reintegration into society, there are problems such as understaffing and the lack, in many cases, of their adaptation in the schools where they want to continue their studies, she found.
According to the minister, girls were not informed about their rights, about scholarships granted by the state to underage mothers worth 800 RON, about the possibilities to continue their studies, about the priority their children have when enrolling in nurseries and kindergartens, many of these regulations being provided in the new Education Law.
She mentions that Iasi County ranks second in the country in the number of cases reported to the emergency number 119 for children.
Natalia Intotero points out that, in this context, the national information campaign to be carried out in September in all counties is „absolutely necessary”, adding that it is mandatory to change the legislation on certain aspects, which she intends to deal with.