Romania cannot grow if all children born here do not have equal opportunities to develop their potential, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said.
The head of the executive attended on Monday at the Victoria Palace of Government the event dedicated to the signing of the first contracts related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) C13/I1 for investments in the creation of a network of day centres to support children at risk of being separated from their families, Agerpres reports.
„I am glad to be the host of this event today, on a truly special day, World Children’s Day [that celebrates the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN Assembly on November 20, 1959 , ed.n.], which certainly marks a turning point in the development of the social protection system for children in Romania. I am glad because, on their birthday, we are starting a series of investments financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which aim to create, in the end, more than 150 centres to prevent the separation of children from their families. (…) The child’s place is with the family, and our role, in and from the office we temporarily hold, is to do everything possible so that all children in Romania grow and develop within their families. And this is exactly what we are doing today, together, central and local authorities, by signing the first 22 of the 150 funding contracts for the creation of day care centres for children at risk of being separated from their families, but also for the recovery of children with disabilities or the counselling and support for parents and children,” said Marcel Ciolacu.
He pointed out that, through the investments occasioned by World Children’s Day, the government is ensuring that children from vulnerable families in particular have an extra chance to go to a day centre after school or kindergarten, where they will not only receive a hot meal, but also counselling, school and professional guidance from specialists.
In her turn, minister for Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, highlighted the contribution of the municipalities that set up these centres.
She noted that there is still interest from civil society in creating as many day centres as possible to support families in need.
According to data provided by the Government, the investment carried out under the PNRR aims to create around 150 social services to prevent the separation of children from their families, with a total budget of 50 million euros.
The event was also attended by minister of Education, Ligia Deca, minister of Investment and European Projects, Adrian Caciu, representatives of local authorities, councillors, children with the World Vision Romania Foundation and the executive director of World Vision Romania, Mihaela Nabar.